
Continuous Inline Measurement for Oil Concentration Ratio in Refrigerant

DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2024.0607

Session: Compressors and oils

Accept state: Abstract accepted

Name Organization  
Duc Tien Le, Master SensoTech


In the field of HVAC&R optimizing oil and refrigerant ratios is critical to maintaining system efficiency. This study introduces an innovative in-line method for determining the oil-refrigerant concentration, significantly reducing pump wear and enhancing overall system performance.
The focus is on the real-time monitoring capabilities of this method, which provides a continuous, non-invasive approach that enables uninterrupted system operation. Unlike traditional methods, this technique does not require halting the test bench, thereby maintaining operational flow and efficiency.
Our comprehensive analysis compared this new method with the ASHRAE 41.4 -endorsed gravimetric method. The sonic velocity-based approach not only complies with international standards but also excels in ease of use and operational efficiency.
The findings are especially relevant for HVAC&R industry stakeholders seeking adaptable solutions for transitioning between different refrigerants and oils. This user-friendly inline measuring system offers a practical, flexible alternative to conventional methods and promises extensive benefits, including enhanced operational insights and improved system performance.


Inline Measurement
Concentration Monitoring
Oil Concentration Ratio (OCR)
Process Optimization